Klaas Mini
Klaas Mini
This speaker was born from the desire of many people to have a product with harmony between sound and focused on design, in this way we began to create a new version of an acoustic speaker with the soul that identifies Houd, generating meaningful experiences.

In the exploration to find that perfect balance we tried many different shapes, sizes and geometries looking for the right synchronicity; However, we realized that what we needed was to unite two of our emblematic products, the Mini standing out with its shape and its open acoustic box, and on the other hand the Klaas standing out with its glass horn that represents that unconventional way of listening to music. music.

We seek to preserve that acoustic principle as the basis of this product, where connections or cables are not necessary, only the sound of your cell phone is guided through the speaker box to the glass cornet, amplifying naturally.

Glass as the main axis in the product due to how it is created, the characteristics that it represents and the beauty that it gives to the speaker, generating variations in colors and curves.
Shipping Compatibility - Caracteristicas
National shipping cost 9,000
3-5 business days nationwide
-Funciona con los celulares que tienen los parlantes en la parte de abajo
-iPhone ( cualquier generación)
-Samsung (alta gama)
Sin conexiones
Sin baterías
Sin electricidad
Madera (pino cedro y flormorado) de bosques certificados ambientalmente.
National shipping cost 9,000
3-5 business days nationwide
-Funciona con los celulares que tienen los parlantes en la parte de abajo
-iPhone ( cualquier generación)
-Samsung (alta gama)
Sin conexiones
Sin baterías
Sin electricidad
Madera (pino cedro y flormorado) de bosques certificados ambientalmente.